标 题: Re: SunOS里的shutdown 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Dec 23 15:21:10 1999) 刚刚翻译完,别见笑: 'man shutdown ' on Sunos5.6 Maintenance Commands shutdown(1M) 系统维护命令 shutdown(1M) NAME 名称 shutdown - shut down system, change system state shutdown - 关毕系统,转换相同的状态 SYNOPSIS /usr/sbin/shutdown [ -y ] [ -g grace-period ] [ -i init-state ] [ message ] DESCRipTION shutdown is executed by the super-user to change the state of the machine. In most cases, it is used to change from the multi-user state (state 2) to another state. shutdown 被super-user(超级用户)用来转换机器(系统)的状态.通常, 是从多用户状态(state 2 状态2)转换到其他状态. By default, shutdown brings the system to a state where only the console has access to the Operating system. This state is called single-user. shutdown在缺省时执行的结果是把系统转换成只能在控制台上登陆的模式. 这种模式叫单用户模式. Before starting to shut down daemons and killing PRocesses, shutdown sends a warning message and, by default, a final message asking for confirmation. message is a string that is sent out following the standard warning message "The sys- tem will be shut down in ..." If the string contains more than one Word, it should be contained within single (') or double (") quotation marks. 在关毕守护程序并且杀掉进程前,shutdown会发出警告给用户,缺省情况下, 会有一个请求最后确认的询问.message是一个打印到标准输出上的警告信息: "The system will be shut down in ..."如果这个string包含多个 单词,必须用单引号(')或双引号(")引用. The warning message and the user provided message are output when there are 7200, 3600, 1800, 1200, 600, 300, 120, 60, and 30 seconds remaining before shutdown begins. See EXAM- PLES. 警告信息以7200,3600,1800,1200,600,300,120,60,30秒为单位进行输出 到标准输出上.(参看后边的例子) System state definitions are: 下面是系统状态的定义: state 0 Stop the operating system. 终止操作系统. state 1 State 1 is referred to as the administrative state. In state 1 file systems required for multi-user operations are mounted, and logins requiring access to multi-user file systems can be used. When the system comes up from firmware mode into state 1, only the console is active and other multi-user (state 2) ser- vices are unavailable. Note that not all user processes are stopped when transitioning from multi-user state to state 1. State 1状态被认为是管理状态.在State 1状态下多用户文件系统 会被安装,并且那些需要多拥护文件系统的登陆方式能够使用. 当系统从(firmware mode)硬件模式进入到state 1时, 只有控制台能够被使用,其他的多用户的服务将不能使用. 请注意从多用户状态(state 2)转换到state 1时,并不是所有的用户 进程都被杀掉. state s, S State s (or S) is referred to as the single- user state. All user processes are stopped on transitions to this state. In the single-user state, file systems required for multi-user logins are unmounted and the sys- tem can only be accessed through the console. Logins requiring access to multi-user file systems cannot be used. State s(or S)是所谓的单用户模式.当进入这种模式的时候 所有的用户的进程都将被杀掉.在单用户模式下,多用户文件系统 将不被安装.系统只能在控制台上被使用.多用户系统的登陆方式将 不可用. SunOS 5.6 Last change: 19 Dec 1995 1 SunOS 5.6 Last change: 19 Dec 1995 1 Maintenance Commands shutdown(1M) 系统维护命令 shutdown(1M) state 5 Shut the machine down so that it is safe to remove the power. Have the machine remove power, if possible. The rc0 procedure is called to perform this task. 关毕机器,以便把电源关掉.rc0进程将被调用执行 这个任务. state 6 Stop the operating system and reboot to the state defined by the initdefault entry in /etc/inittab. The rc6 procedure is called to perform this task. 停止操作系统并且把系统重新起动到缺省的状态如 /etc/inittab里定义的那样.rc6将被调用来执行这项任务. OPTIONS -y Pre-answer the confirmation question so the command can be run without user intervention. 用来对确认信息进行不敏感确认.(对所有确认都回答yes) -g grace-period Allow the super-user to change the number of seconds from the 60-second default. 以60秒为单位指定警告信息发送的间隔. -i init-state If there are warnings, init-state specifies the state init is to be in. By default, sys- tem state >qspq is used. 指定转换到的状态.如果有警告信息,将要转换的状态将被加 到警告信息中去.缺省情况下,>qspq将被执行. EXAMPLES In the following example, shutdown is being executed on host foo and is scheduled in 120 seconds. The warning message is output 2 minutes, 1 minute, and 30 seconds before the final confirmation message. 下面的例子的目的是:主机将在120秒内被关毕.在最后确认之前, 警告信息每隔2分钟,1分钟30秒被输出到标准输出上.. example# shutdown -i S -g 120 "===== disk replacement =====" Shutdown started. Tue Jun 7 14:51:40 PDT 1994 Broadcast Message from root (pts/1) on foo Tue Jun 7 14:51:41... The system will be shut down in 2 minutes ===== disk replacement ===== Broadcast Message from root (pts/1) on foo Tue Jun 7 14:52:41... The system will be shut down in 1 minutes ===== disk replacement ===== Broadcast Message from root (pts/1) on foo Tue Jun 7 14:53:41... The system will be shut down in 30 seconds ===== disk replacement ===== Do you want to continue? (y or n): FILES /etc/inittab controls process dispatching by init ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following SunOS 5.6 Last change: 19 Dec 1995 2 Maintenance Commands shutdown(1M) attributes: __________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE| ATTRIBUTE VALUE| |__________________________________ | Availability | SUNWcsu | |_______________|_________________| SEE ALSO 参照: boot(1M), halt(1M), init(1M), killall(1M), reboot(1M), ufsdump(1M), init.d(4), inittab(4), nologin(4), attri- butes(5) SunOS 5.6 Last change: 19 Dec 1995 3 【 在 Cohen (Tommy) 的大作中提到: 】 【 在 Colinda (无风无雨亦无情) 的大作中提到: 】 : shutdown -r now Thanks, but can you do me a favor to give a full explanation on those switches? |
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