4. Shell Scripts 下面的 scripts 是基本 CVS 命令的集合,而且是 Korn shell 的 scripts 。你可以把他转成 perl 或者 bash。你可以自己修改成你想要的样子。这些只是运用基本 CVS 命令但有些特殊的花样加在里面。例如, sedit 这个 script 提供了档案锁住的功能使得其他人知道有某人正在修改这个档案,当然你也可以直接使用 CVS 命令而不用这些 scripts ,这些 scripts 只是在展示 CVS 是多麽的有弹性。 把这些 scripts 复制到 /usr/local/bin 下,并且此目录应该在你的 PATH 环境变数中。 sget [-r revision_number] sedit [-r revision_number] scommit [-r revision_number] supdate sunlock [-r revision_number] slist 要看目前正被你修改的档案列表。做 'ls -l | grep | ...' 命令,请按 slist sinfo slog sdif sdif -r rev1 -r rev2 注意: sdif 只有一个 'f' ,因为这里已经有一个 unix 命令叫 'sdiff'。 sadd sdelete sfreeze saddtree 例如 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd $HOME; sfreeze REVISION_1_0 srctree -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这将会冻结原始码,并贴上一个标签 REVISION_1_0 ,如此一来你就可以稍後用版本名字登出整个目录树。 ****************************************************** 4.1 sget 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS PRogram sget # Program to check out the file from CVS read-only cmdname=`basename $0` Usage() { print "\nUsage: $cmdname [-r revision_number/symbolic_tag_name] print "The options -r are optional " print "For example - " print " $cmdname -r 1.1 foo.cpp" print " $cmdname foo.cpp " print " $cmdname some_directory " print "Extract by symbolic revision tag like - " print " $cmdname -r REVISION_1 some_directory " print " " exit } # Command getopt will not supported in next major release. # Use getopts instead. while getopts r: ii do case $ii in r) FLAG1=$ii; OARG1="$OPTARG";; ?) Usage; exit 2;; esac done shift ` expr $OPTIND - 1 ` #echo FLAG1 = $FLAG1 , OARG1 = $OARG1 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then Usage fi bkextn=sget_bak hme=` echo $HOME | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$hme" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$HOME is not set!!\n" exit fi # Check if file already exists.... if [ -f $1 ]; then user_perms=" " group_perms=" " other_perms=" " user_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b3-3 ` group_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b6-6 ` other_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b9-9 ` if [ "$user_perms" = "w" -o "$group_perms" = "w" \ -o "$other_perms" = "w" ]; then print "\nError: The file is writable. Aborting $cmdname ......" print " You should either backup, scommit or delete the file and" print " try $cmdname again\n" exit fi fi cur_dir=`pwd` #echo $cur_dir len=${#hme} len=$(($len + 2)) #echo $len subdir=` echo $cur_dir | cut -b $len-2000 ` #echo $subdir if [ "$subdir" = "" ]; then fdname=$1 else fdname=$subdir"/"$1 fi # Move the file touch $1 2>/dev/null \mv -f $1 $1.$bkextn # Create subshell ( cd $hme #echo $fdname # Use -A option to clear all sticky flags if [ "$FLAG1" = "" ]; then cvs -r checkout -A $fdname else cvs -r checkout -A -$FLAG1 $OARG1 $fdname fi ) #pwd if [ -f $1 ]; then print "\nREAD-ONLY copy of the file $fdname obtained." print "Done $cmdname" #print "\nTip (Usage): $cmdname fi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 sedit 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program sedit # Program to check out the file from CVS read/write mode with locking cmdname=`basename $0` Usage() { # print "\nUsage: $cmdname [-r revision_number] [-F] # print "The options -r, -F are optional " # print "The option -F is FORCE edit even if file is " # print "locked by another developer" print "\nUsage: $cmdname [-r revision_number] print "The options -r are optional " print "For example - " print " $cmdname -r 1.1 foo.cpp" print " $cmdname foo.cpp " # print " $cmdname -F foo.cpp " print " " } # Command getopt will not supported in next major release. # Use getopts instead. #while getopts r:F ii while getopts r: ii do case $ii in r) FLAG1=$ii; OARG1="$OPTARG";; # F) FLAG2=$ii; OARG2="$OPTARG";; ?) Usage; exit 2;; esac done shift ` expr $OPTIND - 1 ` #echo FLAG1 = $FLAG1 , OARG1 = $OARG1 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then Usage exit fi hme=` echo $HOME | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$hme" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$HOME is not set!!\n" exit fi bkextn=sedit_bak cur_dir=`pwd` #echo $cur_dir len=${#hme} len=$(($len + 2)) #echo $len subdir=` echo $cur_dir | cut -b $len-2000 ` #echo $subdir if [ "$subdir" = "" ]; then fdname=$1 else fdname=$subdir"/"$1 fi # If file is already checked out by another developer.... cvs_root=` echo $CVSROOT | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$cvs_root" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$CVSROOT is not set!!\n" exit fi cldir=$CVSROOT/$subdir/Locks mkdir $cldir 2>/dev/null rcsfile=$CVSROOT/$subdir/$1,v #echo $rcsfile if [ ! -e $rcsfile ]; then print "\nError: File $1 does not exist in CVS repository!!\n" exit fi # Get the tip revision number of the file.... # Use tmpfile as the arg cannot be set inside the sub-shell tmpfile=$hme/sedit-lock.tmp \rm -f $tmpfile 2>/dev/null if [ "$FLAG1" = "" ]; then ( cd $hme cvs log $fdname | head -6 | grep head: | awk '{print $2}' > $tmpfile ) OARG1=`cat $tmpfile` \rm -f $tmpfile 2>/dev/null fi lockfile=$cldir/$1-$OARG1 #if [ -e $lockfile -a "$FLAG2" = "" ]; then if [ -e $lockfile ]; then print "\nError: File $1 Revision $OARG1 already locked by another developer !!" aa=` ls -l $lockfile | awk '{print "Locking developers unix login name is = " $3}' ` print $aa print "That developer should do scommit OR sunlock to release the lock" print " " # print "You can also use -F option to force edit the file even if" # print "the file is locked by another developer. But you must talk to" # print "other developer to work concurrently on this file." # print "For example - this option is useful if you work on a seperate" # print "C++ function in the file which does not interfere with other" # print "developer." # print " " exit fi # Get read-only copy now.... if [ ! -e $1 ]; then ( cd $hme cvs -r checkout $fdname 1>/dev/null ) fi # Check if file already exists.... if [ -f $1 ]; then user_perms=" " group_perms=" " other_perms=" " user_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b3-3 ` group_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b6-6 ` other_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b9-9 ` if [ "$user_perms" = "w" -o "$group_perms" = "w" \ -o "$other_perms" = "w" ]; then print "\nError: The file is writable. Aborting $cmdname ......" print " You must backup, scommit or delete file and" print " try $cmdname again\n" exit fi #print "\nNote: The file $1 is read-only." #print "Hence I am moving it to $1.$bkextn ....\n" \mv -f $1 $1.$bkextn chmod 444 $1.$bkextn elif [ -d $1 ]; then print "\nError: $1 is a directory and NOT a file. Aborting $cmdname ....\n" exit fi # Create subshell print "\nNow getting the file $1 from CVS repository ...\n" ( cd $hme #echo $fdname # Use -A option to clear the sticky tag and to get # the HEAD revision version if [ "$FLAG1" = "" ]; then cvs -w checkout -A $fdname else cvs -w checkout -A -$FLAG1 $OARG1 $fdname fi ) if [ -e $1 ]; then touch $lockfile fi #pwd print "\nDone $cmdname" #print "\nTip (Usage): $cmdname -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3 scommit 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program scommit # Program to commit the changes and check in the file into CVS cmdname=`basename $0` Usage() { print "\nUsage: $cmdname [-r revision_number] print "The options -r are optional " print "For example - " print " $cmdname -r 1.1 foo.cpp" print " $cmdname foo.cpp " print " " } # Command getopt will not supported in next major release. # Use getopts instead. while getopts r: ii do case $ii in r) FLAG1=$ii; OARG1="$OPTARG";; ?) Usage; exit 2;; esac done shift ` expr $OPTIND - 1 ` #echo FLAG1 = $FLAG1 , OARG1 = $OARG1 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then Usage exit 2 fi if [ -d $1 ]; then Usage exit 2 fi hme=` echo $HOME | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$hme" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$HOME is not set!!\n" exit fi # Find sub-directory cur_dir=`pwd` #echo $cur_dir len=${#hme} len=$(($len + 2)) #echo $len subdir=` echo $cur_dir | cut -b $len-2000 ` #echo $subdir if [ "$subdir" = "" ]; then fdname=$1 else fdname=$subdir"/"$1 fi # If file is already checked out by another user.... cvs_root=` echo $CVSROOT | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$cvs_root" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$CVSROOT is not set!!\n" exit fi cldir=$CVSROOT/$subdir/Locks mkdir $cldir 2>/dev/null # Get the working revision number of the file.... # Use tmpfile as the arg cannot be set inside the sub-shell tmpfile=$hme/sedit-lock.tmp \rm -f $tmpfile 2>/dev/null if [ "$FLAG1" = "" ]; then ( cd $hme cvs status $fdname 2>/dev/null | grep "Working revision:" | awk '{print $3}' >$tmpfile ) OARG1=`cat $tmpfile` \rm -f $tmpfile 2>/dev/null fi if [ "$OARG1" = "" ]; then print "The file $fdname is NEW, it is not in the CVS repository" else lockfile=$cldir/$1-$OARG1 if [ -e $lockfile ]; then # Check if this revision is owned by you... aa=` ls -l $lockfile | awk '{print $3}' ` userid=`id | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 ` if [ "$aa" != "$userid" ]; then print " " print "The file $fdname is NOT locked by you!!" print "It is locked by unix user name $aa and your login name is $userid" # print "If you are working concurrently with other developer" # print "and you used -F option with sedit." print "You need to wait untill other developer does scommit" print "or sunlock" print "Aborting the $cmdname ...." print " " exit 2 fi else if [ -f $CVSROOT/$subdir/$1,v ]; then print "You did not lock the file $fdname with sedit!!" print "Aborting the $cmdname ...." exit 2 else print "\nThe file $fdname does not exist in CVS repository yet!!" print "You should have done sadd on $fdname ...." fi fi fi if [ -d $1 ]; then Usage exit 2 # Do not allow directory commits for now ... #cvs commit else cvs commit $1 exit_status=$? fi if [ $exit_status -eq 0 ]; then print "\nDone $cmdname. $cmdname successful" #print "\nTip (Usage): $cmdname fi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4 supdate 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program supdate # Program to update the file from CVS read/write mode cmdname=`basename $0` if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then print "\nUsage: $cmdname exit fi # Check if file already exists.... if [ $# -gt 0 -a -f $1 ]; then user_perms=" " group_perms=" " other_perms=" " user_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b3-3 ` group_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b6-6 ` other_perms=`ls -l $1 | awk '{print $1 }' | cut -b9-9 ` if [ "$user_perms" = "w" -o "$group_perms" = "w" \ -o "$other_perms" = "w" ]; then while : do print "\n$cmdname will backup your working file " print "$1 to $1.supdate_bak before doing any merges." print "Are you sure you want the merge the changes from" print -n "CVS repository to your working file ? read ans if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then if [ -f $1.supdate_bak ]; then print "\nWarning : File $1.supdate_bak already exists!!" print "Please examine the file $1.supdate_bak and delete it" print "and than re-try this $cmdname " print "Aborting $cmdname ...." exit else cp $1 $1.supdate_bak break fi elif [ "$ans" = "n" -o "$ans" = "N" -o "$ans" = "" -o "$ans" = " " ]; then exit fi done fi fi if [ -d $1 ]; then print "\nDirectory update is disabled as cvs update" print "merges the changes from repository to your working directory" print "So give the filename to update - as shown below: " print " Usage: $cmdname exit # cvs update else cvs update $1 fi print "\nDone $cmdname. $cmdname successful" #print "\nTip (Usage): $cmdname -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5 sunlock 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program sunlock # Program to unlock the file to release the lock done by sedit cmdname=`basename $0` Usage() { print "\nUsage: $cmdname [-r revision_number] print " The options -r is optional " print "For example - " print " $cmdname -r 1.1 foo.cpp" print " $cmdname foo.cpp " print " " } # Command getopt will not supported in next major release. # Use getopts instead. while getopts r: ii do case $ii in r) FLAG1=$ii; OARG1="$OPTARG";; ?) Usage; exit 2;; esac done shift ` expr $OPTIND - 1 ` if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then Usage exit fi hme=` echo $HOME | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$hme" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$HOME is not set!!\n" exit fi cur_dir=`pwd` #echo $cur_dir len=${#hme} len=$(($len + 2)) #echo $len subdir=` echo $cur_dir | cut -b $len-2000 ` #echo $subdir if [ "$subdir" = "" ]; then fdname=$1 else fdname=$subdir"/"$1 fi # If file is already checked out by another user.... cvs_root=` echo $CVSROOT | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$cvs_root" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$CVSROOT is not set!!\n" exit fi cldir=$CVSROOT/$subdir/Locks rcsfile=$CVSROOT/$subdir/$1,v #echo $rcsfile if [ ! -e $rcsfile ]; then print "\nError: File $1 does not exist in CVS repository!!\n" exit fi # Get the tip revision number of the file.... # Use tmpfile as the arg cannot be set inside the sub-shell tmpfile=$hme/sedit-lock.tmp \rm -f $tmpfile 2>/dev/null if [ "$FLAG1" = "" ]; then ( cd $hme cvs log $fdname | head -6 | grep head: | awk '{print $2}' > $tmpfile ) OARG1=`cat $tmpfile` \rm -f $tmpfile 2>/dev/null fi lockfile=$cldir/$1-$OARG1 #echo lockfile is : $lockfile if [ ! -e $lockfile ]; then print "\nFile $1 revision $OARG1 is NOT locked by anyone" print " " exit fi ans="" while : do print "\n\n***************************************************" print "WARNING: $cmdname will release lock and enable other" print " developers to edit the file. It is advisable" print " to save your changes with scommit command" print "***************************************************" print -n "\nAre you sure you want to unlock the file read ans if [ "$ans" = "" -o "$ans" = " " -o "$ans" = "n" -o "$ans" = "N" ]; then print "\nAborting $cmdname ...." exit fi if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then print "\n\n\n\n\n " print "CAUTION: You may lose all the changes made to file!!" print -n "Do you really want to unlock the file read ans if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then break else exit fi else print "\n\nWrong entry. Try again..." sleep 1 fi done if [ -e $lockfile ]; then \rm -f $lockfile print "\nDone $cmdname" else print "\nFile $1 is NOT locked by anyone" print " " fi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6 slist 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program slist # Program to list all edited source files from CVS #cmdname=`basename $0` #echo "no of params : " $# #echo "all args : " $@ recurse_flag="" if [ "$1" = "" ]; then dir=. recurse_flag="" else dir=$@ recurse_flag=" -prune " fi FOUT=slist_temporary_file.out \rm -f $FOUT find $dir $recurse_flag -type f -exec ls -ltr {} \; \ | grep -v "/CVS/" \ | grep ^\-rw \ | grep -v \\.o \ | grep -v \\.log \ | grep -v \\.out \ | grep -v \\.pid \ | awk '{ if ($NF != "tags") print $0 }' \ | awk '{ if ($NF != "a.out") print $0 }' \ | awk '{ if ($NF != "core") print $0 }' \ | awk '{ print $NF }' > $FOUT aa=`cat $FOUT` \rm -f $FOUT for ii in $aa ; do ftype=" " ftype=`file $ii | awk '{print $2 }' ` # find . -type f -exec file {} \; # 1)ELF 2)commands 3)[nt]roff, 4)c 5)English 6)executable # 7)ascii 8)current 9)empty # Binaries are ELF, lib.a are current # if [ "$ftype" = "ascii" -o "$ftype" = "commands" \ -o "$ftype" = "[nt]roff," -o "$ftype" = "c" -o "$ftype" = "data" \ -o "$ftype" = "English" -o "$ftype" = "executable" ]; then pcfile=` echo $ii | cut -d'.' -f1` pcfile=${pcfile}".pc" if [ ! -f $pcfile ]; then ls -l $ii else if [ "$ii" = "$pcfile" ]; then ls -l $ii fi fi fi done; #| grep -v ^\-rwx \ #ls -l | grep ^\-rw | grep -v \\.o #ls -l | grep ^\-rw | grep -v \\.o | awk '{ if ($NF != "tags") print $0 }' #ls -l | grep ^\-rw | grep -v ^\-rwx | grep -v \\.o | awk '{ if ($NF != "tags") print $0 }' | awk '{ if ($NF != "core") print $0 }' #print "\nDone $cmdname. $cmdname successful" #print "\nTip (Usage): $cmdname -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7 sinfo 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program sinfo # Program to get the status of files in working directory cmdname=`basename $0` if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then print "\nUsage: $cmdname [file/directory name] " print "For example - " print " $cmdname foo.cpp" print " $cmdname some_directory " print " " exit fi hme=` echo $HOME | cut -f1 -d' ' ` if [ "$hme" = "" ]; then print "\nError: \$HOME is not set!!\n" exit fi tmpfile=$hme/cvs_sinfo.tmp rm -f $tmpfile cur_dir=`pwd` #echo $cur_dir len=${#hme} len=$(($len + 2)) #echo $len subdir=` echo $cur_dir | cut -b $len-2000 ` #echo $subdir if [ "$subdir" = "" ]; then fdname=$1 else fdname=$subdir"/"$1 fi # Create subshell if [ -f $1 ]; then ( cd $hme clear cvs status $fdname ) elif [ -d $1 ]; then ( cd $hme clear echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " ****************************************" >> $tmpfile echo " Overall Status of Directory" >> $tmpfile echo " ****************************************" >> $tmpfile cvs release $fdname 1>>$tmpfile 2>>$tmpfile << EOF Y EOF echo "\n -------------------------------\n" >> $tmpfile aa=`cat $tmpfile | grep ^"M " | awk '{print $2}' ` for ii in $aa do jj="(cd $hme; cvs status $subdir/$ii );" echo $jj | /bin/sh \ | grep -v Sticky | awk '{if (NF != 0) print $0}' \ 1>>$tmpfile 2>>$tmpfile done cat $tmpfile | grep -v ^? | grep -v "Are you sure you want to release" \ | less rm -f $tmpfile ) else print "\nArgument $1 if not a file or directory" exit fi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.8 slog 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program slog # Program to list history of the file in CVS cmdname=`basename $0` if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then print "\nUsage: $cmdname exit fi # Check if file does not exist.... if [ ! -f $1 ]; then print "\nError: $1 is NOT a file. Aborting $cmdname ......" exit fi cvs log $1 | /usr/local/bin/less print "\nDone $cmdname. $cmdname successful" #print "\nTip (Usage): $cmdname -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9 sdif 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # CVS program sdif # Program to see difference of the working file with CVS copy cmdname=`basename $0` Usage() { print "\nUsage: $cmdname print "$cmdname -r exit } FLAG1="" FLAG2="" OARG1="" OARG2="" # Command getopt will not supported in next major release. # Use getopts instead. while getopts r:r: ii do case $ii in r) if [ "$FLAG1" = "" ]; then FLAG1=$ii; OARG1="$OPTARG" else FLAG2=$ii; OARG2="$OPTARG" fi ;; ?) Usage; exit 2;; esac done shift ` expr $OPTIND - 1 ` if [ "$FLAG2" = "" ]; then FLAG2=r OARG2=HEAD fi if [ "$FLAG1" = "" ]; then cvs diff -r HEAD $1 | less else cvs diff -$FLAG1 $OARG1 -$FLAG2 $OARG2 $1 | less fi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.10 sadd 注意 : Korn shell /bin/ksh 在你从Linux CD-ROM 安装 pdksh*.rpm 时就会产生 请把他存成一般文字档并改变存取权限 chmod a+rx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/ksh # test # CVS program sadd # Program to add the file to CVS cmdname=`basename $0` if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then print "\nUsage: $cmdname exit fi # Check if file exists .... if [ -f $1 ]; then cvs add $1 exit fi if [ ! -d $1 ]; then &n |
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