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翻译: 深入理解Linux内核 节选 基本的操作系统概念

2013-4-7 11:05| 发布者: 123456000000| 查看: 13| 评论: 0

摘要: 1.4 Basic Operating System Concepts基本的操作系统概念Each computer system includes a basic set of PRograms called the operating system. The most important program in the set is called the kernel. It i ...

1.4 Basic Operating System Concepts
Each computer system includes a basic set of PRograms called the operating system. The most important program in the set is called the kernel. It is loaded into RAM when the system boots and contains many critical procedures that are needed for the system to operate. The other programs are less crucial utilities; they can provide a wide variety of interactive experiences for the user—as well as doing all the jobs the user bought the computer for—but the essential shape and capabilities of the system are determined by the kernel. The kernel provides key facilities to everything else on the system and determines many of the characteristics of higher software. Hence, we often use the term "operating system" as a synonym for "kernel."
任何一个计算机系统都包含一个基本的程序集,又称为操作系统。在这个程序集中最重要的程序叫做kernel(内核)。当系统引导时,内核就被装进RAM,它还包含许多能够让系统运行起来的关键规程;其它的程序相对来说并不是非常的重要;它们能为用户提供各种各样的交互式体验----做这些工作也是用户购买计算机的原因;但是内核决定了系统的本质形态以及做这些工作的能力;内核不仅为计算机系统提供关键设备资源,而且也决定着高层软件的特征。因此,我们常用“操作系统“这个术语来代替”kernel(内核)“ ;
The operating system must fulfill two main objectives:
·         Interact with the hardware components, servicing all low-level programmable elements included in the hardware platform.
·         Provide an execution environment to the applications that run on the computer system (the so-called user programs).
Some operating systems allow all user programs to directly play with the hardware components (a typical example is MS-DOS). In contrast, a Unix-like operating system hides all low-level details concerning the physical organization of the computer from applications run by the user. When a program wants to use a hardware resource, it must issue a request to the operating system. The kernel evaluates the request and, if it chooses to grant the resource, interacts with the relative hardware components on behalf of the user program.
To enforce this mechanism, modern operating systems rely on the availability of specific hardware features that forbid user programs to directly interact with low-level hardware components or to access arbitrary memory locations. In particular, the hardware introduces at least two different execution modes for the CPU: a nonprivileged mode for user programs and a privileged mode for the kernel. Unix calls these User Mode and Kernel Mode, respectively.
In the rest of this chapter, we introduce the basic concepts that have motivated the design of Unix over the past two decades, as well as linux and other operating systems. While the concepts are probably familiar to you as a Linux user, these sections try to delve into them a bit more deeply than usual to explain the requirements they place on an operating system kernel. These broad considerations refer to virtually all Unix-like systems. The other chapters of this book will hopefully help you understand the Linux kernel internals.
1.4.1 Multiuser Systems
A multiuser system is a computer that is able to concurrently and independently execute several applications belonging to two or more users. Concurrently means that applications can be active at the same time and contend for the various resources such as CPU, memory, hard disks, and so on. Independently means that each application can perform its task with no concern for what the applications of the other users are doing. Switching from one application to another, of course, slows down each of them and affects the response time seen by the users. Many of the complexities of modern operating system kernels, which we will examine in this book, are present to minimize the delays enforced on each program and to provide the user with responses that are as fast as possible.
一个多任务系统是一个能够同时并且独立的执行属于两个和多个用户的应用程序的计算机. 同时,意味着几个应用程序能在同一时间处于执行态,并且能够竞争诸如CPU,内存,硬磁盘等多种资源;独立意味着每一个应用程序能完成它的工作而无需考虑其它用户的应用程序正在做些什么;当然,从一个应用程序切换到另一个应用程序,会减慢它们的速度并且影响到达用户的响应时间.当代的操作系统内核是非常复杂的,它们尽可能的减少每一个应用程序的延迟以及为用户提供尽可能快的响应时间.我们将在这本书中考察这些知识;

Multiuser operating systems must include several features:
·         An authentication mechanism for verifying the user's identity
·         A protection mechanism against buggy user programs that could block other applications running in the system
·         A protection mechanism against malicious user programs that could interfere with or spy on the activity of other users
·         An accounting mechanism that limits the amount of resource units assigned to each user
To ensure safe protection mechanisms, operating systems must use the hardware protection associated with the CPU privileged mode. Otherwise, a user program would be able to directly access the system circuitry and overcome the imposed bounds. Unix is a multiuser system that enforces the hardware protection of system resources.











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