路透社消息 :星期二,中国表示支持俄罗斯的建议,让叙利亚交出或销毁其化学武器,避免美国的军事打击。 美国总统奥巴马称,叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德必须受到惩罚,华盛顿说是, 8月21日发生的毒气攻击事件已经造成1400多人丧生。 几小时后,美国国务卿约翰·克里表示,如果叙利亚领导人交出其化学武器,可避免军事打击。俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫表示,他会在莫斯科与叙利亚外长会谈期间提出这个议案。 在例行新闻发布会上,中国外交部发言人洪磊告诉记者,“我们欢迎和支持俄罗斯的建议, 如果能帮助改善当前叙利亚紧张局势,有利于叙利亚地区的和平与稳定,有利于政治解决叙利亚危机,那么国际社会应该给予优先考虑。” 洪磊补充说,叙利亚反对派代表团被在一个学术团体邀请在星期二到访中国,参加叙利亚全国对话论坛,就叙利亚互相交换意见 。 中方表示不会偏袒在冲突中的任何一方,希望帮助找到一个合理的政治解决方案。 大马士革也接受俄罗斯的倡议,但叙利亚是否会服从。 克里表示,美国是不会(玩游戏)的,如果有一个合理的建议,那么华盛顿将会采取。 詹姆斯·米勒,美国国防部副部长,在周二表示,叙利亚化学武器攻击了造成强烈的反响,将有助于威慑朝鲜。 米勒告诉记者,“北朝鲜拥有大量的化学武器,我们不想生活在一个随时都能使用化学武器的世界里,就像朝鲜一样。” 中国外交部部长王毅敦促华盛顿继续对叙利亚保持谨慎,中国国家主席习近平在G20国峰会上曾表示,希望奥巴马考虑通过政治解决叙利亚问题。 原文: China welcomes Russia‘s proposal for Syria weapons handover (Reuters) - China said on Tuesday it backed a Russian proposal for Syria to hand over its chemical weapons for destruction, a plan that could avert planned U.S. military strikes in response to the country’s suspected use of its arsenal on civilians. U.S. President Barack Obama has argued that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, fighting to continue his family‘s four-decade rule, must be punished for what Washington says was a poison gas attack on rebel areas that killed more than 1,400 people on August 21. Hours after U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday said a strike could be avoided if Syrian leaders handed over their chemical weapons, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he had put a proposal to his visiting Syrian counterpart during talks in Moscow. “We welcome and support the Russian proposal,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters at a regular news briefing. “As long as it is a proposal that helps ameliorate the current tense situation in Syria, is beneficial to maintaining peace and stability in Syria and the region, and is beneficial to a political resolution, the international community ought to give it positive consideration,” Hong said. Hong added that a Syrian opposition delegation from the Syrian National Dialogue Forum was visiting China from Tuesday at the invitation of an academic group and would meet Chinese officials for a “deep exchange of views”。 China has previously played host to both government and opposition figures as it tries to show it is not taking sides in the conflict and wants to help find a political solution. Damascus has also welcomed the Russian initiative, but it has not spelled out whether Syria would, or even could, comply. The U.S. State Department later said Kerry had called Lavrov to tell him that while his remarks had been rhetorical and the United States was not going to “play games,” if there was a serious proposal, then Washington would take a look at it. A strong response on the Syrian chemical weapons attack would help deter North Korea from using its “massive chemical weapons arsenal”, U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy James Miller said in Beijing earlier on Tuesday. “I emphasized the massive chemical weapons arsenal that North Korea has and that we didn’t want to live in a world in which North Korea felt the threshold for chemical weapons use had been lowered,” Miller told reporters. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has urged Washington to proceed with “extreme caution” on Syria and Chinese President Xi Jinping told Obama at a G20 summit in Russia that a military strike could not solve the problem. |
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