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2011-10-15 13:02| 发布者: 123456000000| 查看: 220| 评论: 0

摘要:   印度外长还没到河内,中国已警告印度勿介入南海采油   China warns India against exploring oil in South China Sea ahead of Krishnas visit to Hanoi   印度媒体的新闻布景:北京:中国已经警告印度公司不 ...

  All our political parties , and specially congress who has ruled most of the time since independence , are weak , coward & corrupt. Need strong and honest will to tackle any/all problems. Unfortunately our corrupt politicians , corrupt Govt & corrupt Babus will succumb to CASH and will bow to mighty China as they know this Govt is for sale !!


  time to give an answer to the chinese bastards...but what to do... we know tht our government is equivalent to a hormosexual


  The reason we are incapable of confronting China is because we do not have any domestic or foreign policy. New Delhi is a bully, plain & simple - we bullied Pak, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc. It is only because Pak has nuclear weapons are we are quiet, we go weeping to US. Let us confront Pak for all its crimes against us, only then will China respect us. China knows that we do not have the guts to deal with Pak, let alone China. Respect is commanded, not demanded and that is lesson no 1 for our bapus in Delhi, who are basically dodos who bury their heads in the sand when there is danger.

  为侍趵硪们不能匹敌中国是因为我们没有任何国内或国外的政策。新德里就是一街痞、痴人、蠢货- - - - - -我们欺负巴基斯坦、孟加拉、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡等。只是因为巴基斯坦拥有核刀兵了,我们就舒适下来,去向美国哭诉。让我们面临巴基斯坦所有抨击袭击我们犯罪,只有那时中国才会尊敬我们。中国知道我们没种去对于巴基斯坦,更不用说中国了。尊敬是呼吁得来的而不是请求得来的,这是我们德里的那些年夜人们应该上的第一课,而不是像鸵鸟一样碰着危险就把头埋在沙堆里。(怎么样,感受和我们这里像不像~~)

  There is no doubt China is financially stronger than india .. And same time it is the foreign trade what is weakest point of China .. Supplying goods to european countries and america made china economically strong ....Indirectly it is american policy what helped China to become strong in economy .. We need to create parallel economy to pull down this chinese ego .. China understood this .. they will throw spanner in indias effort to become strong in economy .. We have to be bold and aggressive if we want to defuse this chinese baloon


  If ever there was a time when Indo-US-Japan relations were important, now is the time. Couple that with an aggressive action oriented leader like Modi at the helm. Russia has proven to be a neutral friend at best.









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