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2011-10-15 14:01| 发布者: 00net| 查看: 169| 评论: 0

摘要:   译文简介:世界上三首富之一,巴菲特在纽约时报上呼吁更高的税负——是的,更高的税负——对他自己和与他同条理的富人征收。   正文翻译:   The 80-year-old "Oracle of Omaha," one of the world's thre ...

  FightTruthDecay 19 hours ago Juliet, you believe 50% of Americans are living in poverty? It is obvious that you haven't a grasp of the situation. You either need a new definition of poverty, or a better sense of society and economics. The sad fact is, that if we are to close the deficit gap, just taxing Buffett and his friends won't do it. We'll need to revert to the tax schedule of the 50's and 60's--where even the working poor paid significant amount of income taxes..


  DW 20 hours ago Something for Nothing - people believing that they can get something for nothing is the foundation of every con game ever pulled. That's just what one convicted con man - who was guilty of swindling over a million dollars from hundreds of people - told a reporter. He said you really don't even have to try hard to convince people that they can get something for nothing - they want to believe it in the first place. And when they do, you don't have to do anything more. They'll practically throw their money at you.

  人们相信他们能够坐享其成,这就是所有圈套能够得逞的基本。这是一个被抓住的罪犯告诉记者的,他年夜几百小我手上骗走了一百万美元。他说你甚至不用花太多的 劲,就能让人们相信他们可以白捡廉价——他们一路头就想要相信。而他们一旦相信了,你就什么都不用做,他们会把自己的钱扔给你。

  "Trickle Down Economics" tells people that everyone (but especially the rich) can pay less in taxes and this would actually lead to more jobs, lower deficits, a stable infrastructure, and a strong economy.


  Back in college in the '80's I had roommate who was a devoted Reagan follower. One time we were at the mall and he charged a very expensive pair of designer sunglasses to his credit card. When I told him it was financially irresponsible to buy things that he can't afford, he explained Supply Side Economics to me like this:


  He was doing his part to stimulate the economy. The money he put on his credit card for those sunglasses would go to the manuafacturer, who in turn would inject it back into markeplace. This would lead to a robust economy and there would be prosperity for all. Which means he could enjoy the sunglasses now and just pay for them later when that money trickles back down to him. At which point, he could buy something else and the cycle would continue.

  他这是在刺激经济。他用信用卡买的太阳眼镜的钱会转给制造商,制造商又会把钱年夜头注入市场。这会导向一个活跃的经济,最后是所有人的足够。这就是说,他现 在可以享受拥有这副太阳眼镜,钱晚些再付,等到钱流回到他手里的时辰。那时辰,他可以买些其它的工具,轮回将继续。

  "Trickle Down Economics" has been a massive con game that has been pulled on the American people for decades. All it's promises of prosperity for all have led only to the immense accumuliation of fortunes for the few and a loss of wealth for the many.









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