We as a people need to accept that you can never get something for nothing. That if you want something you have to pay for it. And if you didn't pay for it yesterday, you're going to have to pay for it today. 我们必需接管没有坐享其成这回事。如不美观你想要什么工具,你必需出钱买。如不美观你昨天没有付钱,你今天就得付。 Loves Jesus 18 hours ago In the last year John Deere opened a factory in China. Kind of ironic that the farming that keeps America fed will now use farm equipment from China. I wonder how much tax John Deere pays? 去年约翰迪尔公司在中国开了一家厂。有点嘲讽啊,养活美国人的农场要用中国的农业器具了。我在想约翰迪尔交了若干好多税? c h 20 hours ago The problem is Americans expect $20 an hour for what a Chinaman will do for 20 cents an hour 问题是中国人干一小时活,只要20美分,美国人要20美元。 Rick 19 hours ago Hey CH, why don't you try and live on .20 cents an hour 嘿,CH,你干嘛不试试一小时赚20美分能活下去不 Bill 18 hours ago Actually, John Deere has been a very responsible company that has maintained its US employment. They are building in China, because they are selling there and it is too expensive to ship large equipment. What they sell in the US, they make in the US 现实上,约翰迪尔是一家很是有责任感的公司,它模拟仍是在美国雇人。他们在中国制造,因为他们在那儿那里发卖,而年夜型机械的运费太贵。他们在美国发卖的,是美国制造的。 corregidor41 18 hours ago china politburo is always the problem,exploiting chinese to small wages,slave wages.heard the news about china spy going to pakistan to get a copy of the blackhawk down!know your old allies america!!!!!Buy american made products!! 中国政府一向是个问题,用奴隶工资抽剥中国人。风闻中国的间谍到巴基斯坦去,去拷贝坠毁的黑鹰!美国,认清你的老战友!买美国货! |
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