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2013-4-20 15:26| 发布者: 123456000000| 查看: 17| 评论: 0

摘要: 叙利亚又爆发了反中俄游行示威 自从中俄在联合国表决中否决了制裁叙利亚议案后,叙利亚又爆发了反中俄游行示威,英美等国正府表示,中国、俄罗斯必须为叙利亚流血事件负责等。似乎又要重现利比亚的一幕。 为避免俄中 ...



中国俄罗斯 谢谢你们 我们正在死去(重现班加西一幕)
关键词:叙利亚人民如何 俄为叙利亚投否决票惹怒西方:美网民炸锅

    译文简介:周六(2月4日)俄罗斯和中国对一份联合国决议草案投了反对票,该草案支持阿拉伯国家呼吁叙利亚总统巴沙尔?阿萨德辞职的倡议。中俄此举严重阻 碍了全世界为结束阿萨德总统对叙利亚动荡局面的血腥镇压做出的努力。据报道此前已有数百人在霍姆斯市的炮击中丧生。 原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:code_forever



    UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Russia and China vetoed on Saturday a U.N. resolution that backed an Arab plan calling on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to quit, stalling global efforts to end his bloody crackdown on unrest after hundreds were reported killed in the city of Homs.



    The high-level diplomatic setback came after world leaders and Syrian opposition activists accused Assad"s forces of a massacre in a sustained shelling of Homs, the bloodiest episode in 11 months of upheaval in the pivotal Arab country.


    Russia and China joined in a double veto of a Western- and Arab-driven resolution at the U.N. Security Council endorsing the Arab League plan for Assad to hand power to a deputy to make way for a transition towards democracy.


    The other 13 council members voted for the resolution that would have said the council "fully supports" the League plan aimed at stopping Syria's bloodshed, whose sectarian overtones threaten stability in the wider Middle East region.


    Russia complained that the draft resolution was an improper and biased attempt at "regime change" in Syria, which is Moscow's sole major Middle East ally, an important buyer of Russian arms exports and host to a Russian naval base.

    关键词:叙利亚人民如何 俄罗斯抱怨此决议草案不合时宜且充满偏见,是试图在叙利亚强行推动“政权更迭”。叙利亚是俄罗斯在中东地区唯一的主要盟友和重要军火买家,国内有俄罗斯的海军基地。

    With an eye to events in Homs, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice dispensed with the usual diplomatic courtesies and declared she was "disgusted" by the Russian-Chinese veto, adding that "any further bloodshed that flows will be on their hands".


    Shortly before the Security Council voted, U.S. President Barack Obama denounced the "unspeakable assault" on Homs, demanded that Assad leave power immediately and called for U.N. action against Assad's "relentless brutality".


    "Any government that brutalizes and massacres its people does not deserve to govern," Obama said.


    He and other Western and Arab leaders exerted unprecedented pressure on Russia to allow the Security Council to pass the Arab League-backed resolution that calls for Assad to relinquish his autocratic powers and end the violence. The world body says over 5,000 civilians have been killed.




    But Russia, and China following Moscow's lead, weighed in to torpedo U.N. action on Syria for the second time in four months. In October, they vetoed a European-drafted resolution condemning Syria and threatening it with possible sanctions.


    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it had not been possible to work constructively with Russia ahead of the vote, even though military intervention in Syria - fiercely opposed by Moscow - had been absolutely ruled out.


    "I thought that there might be some ways to bridge, even at this last moment, a few of the concerns that the Russians had. I offered to work in a constructive manner to do so. That has not been possible," she told reporters at a Munich conference.

    关键词:叙利亚人民如何 在慕尼黑市的会议上,希拉里告诉记者:“我原本以为,即使到了最后关头,仍可能找到某些方式与俄罗斯人就其关注的问题进行沟通,为此我一直以建设性的态度进行尝试。结果证明这是白费力气。”

    Clinton warned that the risk of more bloodshed and civil war in Syria had risen after the collapse of the U.N. resolution.


    French President Nicolas Sarkozy said after the vote that France was consulting with Arab and European countries to create a contact group on Syria to try to find a solution Residents of Homs' battered Baba Amro district, speaking by telephone, denounced the Russian-Chinese veto, some chanting, "Death, rather than disgrace".

    霍姆斯市遇袭的Baba Amro区居民则通过电话谴责中俄投出的反对票,有些人甚至诅咒中俄“无耻,去死”。

    One resident who identified himself as Sufyan said: "Now we will show Assad. We're coming, Damascus. Starting today we will show Assad what an armed gang is." Assad has called his opponents "armed gangs" and "terrorists" steered from abroad.


    Mohammed Loulichki, the U.N. ambassador of Morocco, the sole Arab member of the 15-nation council, voiced his "great regret and disappointment" at the veto and said the Arabs had no intention of abandoning their plan. British envoy Mark Lyall Grant said there would be a new U.N. push if violence continued.


    France called the Homs assault a "massacre" and a "crime against humanity."


    Turkey said hundreds had been killed and the United Nations must act. Tunisia expelled the Syrian ambassador, and the flag above its embassy was brought down.


    Death tolls cited by activists and opposition groups ranged from 237 to 260, making the Homs attack the bloodiest so far in Assad's crackdown on protests and one of the deadliest episodes in the "Arab Spring" of revolts that have swept the region.


    Residents said Syrian forces began shelling the Khalidiya neighborhood at around 8 p.m. (1800 GMT) on Friday using artillery and mortars. They said at least 36 houses were completely destroyed with families inside.


    "We were sitting inside our house when we started hearing the shelling. We felt shells were falling on our heads," said Waleed, a resident of Khalidiya.


    "The morning has come and we have discovered more bodies, bodies are on the streets," he said. "Some are still under the rubble. Our movement is better but there is little we can do without ambulances and other things."


    An activist in the neighborhood contacted by Reuters said:

    关键词:叙利亚人民如何 路透社联系到的一名正在附近地区的人权组织活动分子说:

    "We have dug out at least 100 bodies so far, they are placed in the two mosques." He put the total number of wounded at 500.




    #1. skalnor ? 新罕布什尔州,罗切斯特市 ? 3小时前

    good for china and Russia, don't get sucked into a civil war like we did with lybia.


    #2. brad ? 亚利桑那州,图森市 ? 3小时前

    Looks like it's finally time to stop buying caviar and I-Phones.


    #3. brad ? 亚利桑那州,图森市 ? 3小时前

    BTW Skalnor, it's Libya. Kinda like Dubbya.


    #4. Thomas. ? 纽约州,米德尔顿市 ? 3 小时前

    The more chaotic it gets in Syria the better it is for Russia and China. Why would they vote for a resolution? Vetoing only serves their interests.


    #5. Desert Goldbug ? 3小时前

    Shocking!! (ha ha) Better wake up, these two are our enemies... Impose high tariffs NOW, isolationism is a good thing, we were fine until this "free" trade crappola... Vote PAUL it is almost too late.


    #6. JamesS ? 3小时前

    After Clinton bad mouthed Putin and supported the attempts to overthrow Putin, is she still expecting Russia to go along US? Here is a slap on her arrogance.


    #7. Carl Shieffer ? 3小时前

    This is a veto against war, against the bloody war bombing and killings of civilians. Look at what happened in Libya, Afghanistan and Lybia.


    关键词:叙利亚人民如何 #8. Ron ? 3小时前

    Glad to see China and Russia step up to the plate and put a stop the corrupt US government.


    #9. Carl Shieffer ? 3小时前

    You a filthy muslim?


    Answer: I wonder why you care about Syria when you think they are such? Is it not self-contradictory?


    #10. LAST CALL ? 2小时58分钟前

    good move by Russia and China. neither the UN or NATO have any buisness getting involved in a sectarian civil war.


    #11. Striker ? 明尼苏达州,芒德市 ? 2小时55分钟前



    #12. Thomas ? 2小时51分钟前

    If the Arab League wants to oust Assad, then let them do it.They can attack through Iraq and Lebanon. Others should stay out.


    #13. Wiseman ? 2小时49分钟前

    Russia and China are actually slimier than Arabs on this one.


    #14. John S ? 加利福尼亚州,欧文市 ? 2小时41分钟前

    Time to adjust Nato's voting agendas to a ""majority rules concept". Russia & China are repeatedly vetoing anything that would impair their selling of goods arms, missles, technology to tyrannical leaders. Syrias leadership is acting in an inhumane manor suppressing the "Will of their own People" by slaughtering them. Since when is it reasonable to use force to keep people from expressing their greivances???

    关键词:叙利亚人民如何 是时候把北约的投票方式改为“少数服从多数”了!俄罗斯和中国已经三番五次的投反对票来维护他们和暴君之间的军火买卖了。叙利亚的统治者正在残杀百姓来压制“民意”。从什么时候起用暴力阻止人民表达不满成为合理的了?

    #15. Lou ? 伊利诺伊州,格伦卡本市 ? 2小时41分钟前

    The keyboard diplomats have all the answers. I am impressed.


    #16. Snake ? 2小时39分钟前

    China is getting a tremendous bargain on the oil (learned from the USA) While Russia under Putin is just a nasty bunch of #$that they have always been!


    #17. R ? 密歇根州,弗林特市 ? 2小时39分钟前

    screw the UN, The United States needs to keep It's money out of, and just pull out of this organization


    #18. mike ? 加拿大,基奇纳市 ? 2小时34分钟前



    #19. Phil Kay ? 夏威夷州,米里拉尼市 ? 2小时22分钟前

    As with the case of Libya, Syrians need the same support to bring down the tyrant. It's obvious that the rest of the free world is going to have to support them in spite of those who neither believe or practice democracy. Threats and excuses of China and Russia are meaningless. Russian bullets for innocent protesters had to cease.


    #20. George ? 宾夕法尼亚州,匹兹堡市 ? 2小时16分钟前

    Hey, American government, QUIT trying to be nice guys. Everyone knows russia and china will go/vote against anything America exposes. Use your head! Say, Syria, go ahead and kill most anyone. Where does that leave russia and china....well, agreeing with us! HEY...U.S. gov., if you know r and c want x, yet you want y, then say you want x and r and c will insist on y. Are none of our state dept. people old car salespeople?

    嗨,美国政府,别试着做好人了。大家都知道无论美国说啥俄罗斯和中国都会反对。用脑子想想吧!比如叙利亚,政府军会继续杀掉几乎所有人,这点中俄与我们, 呃,看法一致。我说,美国政府,假如说你知道中俄想要x而你想要y,那么要是你说你要x,中俄一定会坚持要y(来讨价还价)。(这么简单的道理)我们的议 员中就没人做过汽车销售员吗?









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