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2013-4-16 11:28| 发布者: 123456000000| 查看: 18| 评论: 0

摘要: BEIJING (AP) China may make its neighbors nervous with its robust military build-up, but it's also increasingly using the army as part of its charm offensive abroad. 中国强劲发展军事实力的举动或许令邻 ...
    BEIJING (AP) — China may make its neighbors nervous with its robust military build-up, but it's also increasingly using the army as part of its charm offensive abroad.


    The People's Liberation Army, in a cultural shift for an institution known for strident nationalism and unbending loyalty to the Communist Party, is expanding overseas aid missions and military exchanges in a major way. It sent 50 medics to flood-hit Pakistan this week and dispatched a hospital ship last month on a 105-day trip to poor nations in the Caribbean — right in America's backyard.

    对中国共产党无比忠诚的解放军,正扩大海外救援使命,拓展军事交流活动。上月派遣医疗船开赴美国后院——加勒比海贫困国家进行为期105天的人道主义医疗服务之旅,本周又向遭受洪灾打击的巴基斯坦派出50名医护人员。 c h n qiang

    "It's has been a big step for them, but China appreciates this as a part of the normal practices of respected major powers in their relations with other countries," said Ron Huisken of the Australian National University's Strategic and Defense Studies Center.


    China's "soft power" drive also includes foreign aid, cultural exchange and a massive expansion of state television to reach foreign audiences — all attempts to win friends and correct what China considers to be a biased Western portrayal of it.


    At home, students from across the developing world are increasingly coming to China to take two-year military command courses, while the PLA's University of Science and Technology has taken in a dozen army officer candidates from Laos, Mongolia, Turkmenistan and seven other countries.


    The military's newspaper called that a sign the force is "integrating itself into the world with a much more open attitude."


    Foreign military attaches are being granted more access to Chinese bases and training exercises, although much of that is carefully scripted. Top commanders have also began making more frequent visits abroad .


    The exchanges are part of the PLA's effort to evolve into a modern force.


    The military has been upgrading its warplanes, ships and submarines, and began sea trials this summer on a refurbished Soviet aircraft carrier, demonstrating how a once-decrepit force seems determined to go toe-to-toe with the U.S. and other regional militaries.


    While that modernization disconcerts the U.S. and China's neighbors, China says it's needed to defend its interests. Some analysts say military diplomacy is a way to show off its strength to potential rivals, while also joining in international relief efforts.

    c h n qiang



    BirdWatcher  ??   Warminster, United States  ??  4 days ago

    "...right in America's backyard."

    and some days, it will be in our frontyard.



    PADAA  ??   Winston-Salem, United States  ??  4 days ago

    You can't trust anyone who looks through squinting eyes the majority of them are snakes in the grass. It won't be long before the world finds that out.

    回复 BirdWatcher


    George  ??   Fuzhou, China  ??  4 days ago

    At least we knew before hand what kind of snakes the Americans and their allies are.

    回复 PADAA


    Steven 4 days ago

    Oh yes a bunch of doctors and medical workers are going to storm Florida and Texas....

    回复 BirdWatcher


关键词:美国网友眼中     River 4 days ago

    and their weapons are needles...

    回复 BirdWatcher


    Nognog 4 days ago

    Does the PLA when on humanitarian mission brought with them Pirated DVDs, Copied branded Apparel or any of their china made product with price tag that indicate negotiable?


    George  ??   Fuzhou, China  ??  4 days ago

    At least they know what humanitarian mission means.


    MarcelD 4 days ago

    I prefer them over M-16s and similar stuff, like the US brought to Bahrain for instance.

    就像美国带给巴林的那些,我更愿意他们带着M-16之类的东东去。 c h n qiang

    Connie  ??   Tokyo, Japan  ??  4 days ago

    smartest people on earth!...?


    Michael M    Arlington, United States  ??  4 days ago

    Their "real aspirations" is to replace America as the dominate world military force. Only Wall Street would be dumb enough to teach the Chinese how to build everything from aircraft to cars to Apple computers and not expect them to be a major competitor. This short term make-a-fast-buck philosophy has killed this country. Congratulations GOP.


    Chung  ??   Bangkok, Thailand  ??  4 days ago

    Michael, should the American Universities stop accepting students all over the world because these students will eventually get all the teachings and begin to utilize the American knowledge ( I assume this is what you call stealing also ) to benefit their countries. Do not be so myopic, every country learns at time from one and other and only those countries that know how to improve will make their country strong such as America is one of the countries.

    回复 Michael M


    XXJAYC71Xx  ??   Cranbury, United States  ??  4 days ago

    China is a joke..They are one of the biggest human rights violaters.


    Michael M  ??   Arlington, United States  ??  4 days ago

    Chung, a simple academic exchange of students and ideas is no comparison to an exchange of proprietary business knowledge especially if it concerns possible military technology.

    回复 Chung

    Chung, 仅仅是学生间的学术交流当然没有问题,这不能跟交换商业专利机密做类比,尤其是有时可能涉及军事技术等方面。

    David D... 4 days ago

    Anybody surprised? we fight all the wars and then they go in with the charms! We go war and get labeled colonialist, and they go aid and get all the business and money


    Ted Teddy 4 days ago

    there is a big difference between bombs and hospital ships.

    回复David D


    Chinhomiah 4 days ago

    I guess when one doesn't have much money, there is only so much one can do. This is probably true of America, a country soon to be eclipsed by China in every field.


    WildBillCody 4 days ago

    Using American technology.


    George  ??   Fuzhou, China  ??  4 days ago

    WildBill, i dont think you invented the wheel, did you?


    Hopeful_dreamer 4 days ago

    Did they give aid to Japan during their tsunami earthquake disaster?


    WildBillCody 4 days ago

    Yes.When an earthquake hit Sichuan in 2008, Japan sent a rescue team to help them out in China. China returned the favor in Japan's recent earthquake.


    River 4 days ago

    Not as much as Taiwan did


    John T  ??   Las Vegas, United States  ??  4 days ago

    China has never won a war in the last 2000yrs. The USA takes countries about 1 every 6 months. Im sure that the USA is more wary of the Mexican army. Chink soldiers evoke uncontrollable fits of laughter! China cant even make a Barbie lol!


    Ted Teddy 4 days ago

    no 1. is that something to be proud of?, and 2 .I havent heard of the us winning any war since ww2, exept for grenada .



    Steven 4 days ago

    Some of the Greatest military commanders in History have come from China. (Sun Tzu, Zhuge Liang. Even Mao managed to use his horribly equipped army in an efficient and devastating guerrilla war against the Japanese...)


关键词:美国网友眼中     MarcelD 4 days ago

    John T, I am ashamed of you.

    You are a prime example of why most people on this earth think that people from the USA are ignorant and stupid warmongers.


    John T, 真为你感到羞耻。


    Chinhomiah 4 days agoDid I hear correctly - someone is still glorifying war! Well America is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Why not open another front, say, in Somalia and Yemen. Throw more men, material and money away, along with bailing out the banks. Sure looks like a convincing way to make the Occupy Wall Street people happy...you know those currently agitating for a, dare I say the dreaded word, "revolution".


    WildBillCody 4 days agoNothing like more of that good old Agit-prop from the AP. Seriously?? Japan and China, "friends"... LOL!!!! Where was China when Haiti had its earthquake? Or Indonesia had their Tsunami? I love the people in here singing the praises of the wolf in sheeps clothing.


    I Am The Messenger  ??   Everett, United States  ??  4 days ago

    China was the first to show up in Haiti . Please do some research before you open your mouth.

    中国是第一个出现在海地提供援助的国家。张嘴之前,先做调查。 c h n qiang

    Chinhomiah 4 days ago

    Someone asked about whether China donated to the Jap tsunami victims. I cannot speak for China, but being a Singaporean Chinese and mightily angry that the war criminal Emperor Hirohito was not hanged, I didn't give a cent to the Jap tsunami victims. I only give money to deserving charities - like the suffering people of the Wen Quan earthquake.


    Moop  ??   Beijing, China  ??  4 days ago then you're a fool. if the chinese had done the same to the japs, they wouldnt have owned up to it either. its because of the pervasive saving face culture in asia, and it is going to be one of the biggest hinderances to china on the international stage. besides 中国人不要脸


    Chinhomiah 4 days agoAnd you must be a greater fool in not recognising the war criminal that is Hirohito. If you're a jap, well I guess you are one of those unable to rise above your nationality and race. Pity you. How will you ever be able to teach your children about what is right or wrong.


    River 4 days ago

    Reguardless what happened in the past, Japanese are most respectful people in the world today !


    Chongxi  ??   Nanjing, China  ??  4 days ago

    no, can't be regared as even one of the most respectful if the past is not faced squarely.


    Chinhomiah 4 days ago

    They're only respectful when they're not lording over others! they're no match for the Chinese.


    A 4 days ago

    I wouldn't give a single penny to the Japs either. Jap lovers all around me were donating to them, but I would give money to them over my dead body.


    Greenpace  ??   Fort Worth, United States  ??  4 days ago

    The Chinese have shown to be very smart and with low moral standards in the business world, and they are doing the same with their military.


    George  ??   Fuzhou, China  ??  4 days ago

    LOL US is talking about moral values. You are hilarious


    Peter 4 days agoMy granfather told me over30 yaers ago,the china is a big bear sleeping but when he wake up,the world will be surprised how hunger it is ....now he is on eating


    George  ??   Fuzhou, China  ??  4 days ago

    c h n qiang



    Chongxi  ??   Nanjing, China  ??  4 days ago

    Hah, it's not bear sleeping, it's lion sleeping; and Mao said usa is a paper tiger.


    Chinese Ning  ??   Shijiazhuang, China  ??  4 days ago

    China is sending a hospital ship into the U.S.A's backyard and the U.S.A is sending war ships(sometimes nuclear aircraft carriers) into China's backyard.


    ob Bayer 4 days ago

    Ask the People of Tibet how charming the Chinese Red Army is!


    S 4 days ago

    Ask the Native Americans how charming the US is.


    Chinhomiah 4 days ago

    But will the red indian ever get to be general, or even president of the USA.


    River 4 days ago

    Are there any Tibetans in PLA ?


    Mcboozerilla 4 days ago

    We could cut the military budget by half and still spend more than China, North Korea and Russia combined. It's obscene.

    Get serious about reducing spending already



    Chinhomiah 4 days ago

    Good point. PLA Chief Chen Bingde told that to Adm Mike Mullen - spend less on defence and you (meaning the American ruling class) will have more for its poor peoplr. Look even the Chinese generals are more concerned about the American people than their own morally-corrupt ruling class.


    Mcboozerilla 4 days ago

    Yeah, I'm sure his concern was genuine...












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