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中共党员超过8000万人 美国网友的评论

2013-4-16 11:30| 发布者: 123456000000| 查看: 11| 评论: 0

摘要: *waits for the american conservatives to make an Obama is a communist' comment because they can't think of anything intelligent to add to the discussion* 美国保守党们说奥巴马是共产主义者因为他们想不到 ...
    *waits for the american conservatives to make an "Obama is a communist' comment because they can't think of anything intelligent to add to the discussion*


    Rexjion 2 hours ago Report Abuse

    Ever read the book called Animal Farm? It was banned in USSR under punishment of death.

    It appears the pigs are becoming more populace. But what happens when the pigs begin to make up an unsustainable proportion of the population that the 'less than equal' populace cannot sustain satisfactory? Does a new ruling class of pigs rise within upper class making it a 3 tiered society?

    If you havent read the book, I suggest you read it.




    ( 《动物庄园》是一部政治寓言体小说,故事描述了一场“动物主义”革命的酝酿、兴起和最终蜕变。一个农庄的动物不堪人类主人的压迫,在猪的带领下起来反抗,赶走了农庄主,牲畜们实现了“当家作主”的愿望,农场更名为“动物庄园”,奉行“所有动物一律平等”。之后,两只处于领导地位的猪为了权力而互相倾轧,胜利者一方宣布另一方是叛徒、内奸。此后,获取了领导权的猪拥有了越来越大的权力,成为新的特权阶级;动物们稍有不满,便会招致血腥的清洗:农庄的理想被修正为“有的动物较之其他动物更为平等”,动物们又回复到从前的悲惨状况。)

    Just Me 5 hours ago Report Abuse

    80 million or 800 million, it makes no difference. I would say 80f the members are just commies in name only; they are more capitalists than commie in reality


    kidman 5 hours ago Report Abuse

    looks like China'scommunist party is growing bigger and stronger, just like its country, stronger and powerful.


    007MI6 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    I have been in China and know someone who tried to get in the communist party in order to advance his career. He is a high school teacher and he thinks he can become a principle if he has communist party membership. 80 millions rule more than 1 billion people is not bad. There is very huge gap between the rich (red capitalists) and the poor (peasants). Many Chinese people are still living in poverty despite of China economic booming. Trillions of dollars go to official not people.


关键词:中共党员超过 B P 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    communist party members suck people's blood to get rich from local to central committees. They says they r the slaves of the people but people are their slaves instead. They rule china with iron fists of police. They know they all lie to the people but nothing can do against the system. hope china will be changed by the Chinese people .


    Karl M 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    That is one scary political system.


    Journeyer 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    Wow! 80 million out of 1.6 billion. That's what? 7-8Apparently most Chinese don't like their government. Can you blame them? If you stick a gun in an unarmed man's mouth, what's he gonna do?


    SeanO 2 hours ago Report Abuse

    We give tax incentives to our companies that close factories here and open in China. We as constituents have no representation in Congress where it counts, like jobs etc, the law allows our elected scoundrels to Wake bribes from lobbyists. Whose quality life is decreasing? and whose quality of life is increasing?.


关键词:中共党员超过 Dicky 4 hours ago Report Abuse

    And the Ministry of Truth said a few years ago that communism was dead.................


    Ahmeid Hasssan 1 hour ago Report Abuse

    OK, where are the critics that usually criticize everything and everyone who does things differently than they do. Bottom line is, China is not a threat, racism, poverty, and the fact to deny the poor opportunities is the threat to society where ever.


    Jpakolypse 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    China shares its borders with 13 nations. It is on good terms with 1 of them. Even Burma's military junta thinks these guys aren't playing with a full deck.


    Censored by Yahoo 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    People shouldn't be afraid of their Government, the Government should be afraid of the people.


    Karl 2 hours ago Report Abuse

    Here in California the government is 2x the manufacture sector. What does that tell you ?

    It's no wonder business leave the country really . With taxes being what they are and the feds printing policy.


    SeanO 2 hours ago Report Abuse

    During the cold war, a Russian Premier Krushchev at the UN said American Capitalists will sell us the rope we will use to hang them. They did not get to do it, but the Chinese were always smarter and are doing it


    Islander 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    There is a storm brewing over the Chinese horizon. Change is coming!


    kidman 5 hours ago Report Abuse

    wow, it is amazing, some of the news from American Falun Gong said there were tens of millions of the communist members left China's communist party, now this proof it was a lie


    Novice tsrong 3 hours ago Report Abuse

    China get out of Tibet , you Chinese are bad people and Chinese Gov is made of Chinese.












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