Agencies Tags : Defence Minister A K Antony, China military, Asian Security Conference Posted: Wed Feb 16 2011, 14:07 hrs New Delhi: Expressing “serious concern” over China’s military modernisation, Defence Minister A K Antony today said India needs to carry out a “comprehensive review” of its defence preparedness and “remain vigilant” to meet its security challenges。 为“密切关注”中国现代化军事力量的发展,印度国防部长AK Antony近日谈到,印度必须对中国的军事发展做出“全面评估”的准备和“保持高度警戒“的措施以应对他给目前局势带来的严重威胁。 “Modernisation of armed forces in China and its ever-increasing military spending is a matter of serious concern but we are not unduly worried because we also will have to modernise and strengthen our armed forces,” Antony told reporters on the sidelines of the Asian Security Conference here。 Antony在亚洲安全会议上向广大记者谈到“中国的先进军事力量和庞大的军费开支已令人堪忧,但是我们也不需过度担心,因为我们在密切关注的同时也会加强个提高我们的军事力量”。 “We also must strengthen our capabilities and infrastructure in our area and we are doing it。 The government is also modernising armed forces and strengthening infrastructure in border areas,” he said。 他同时还强调“目前我们正强化军事作战能力和加强基础设施建设。同时在边界地带改进和加强军事基础设施建设”。 After China started deploying missiles and strengthening its military infrastructure along the Indian territory, India has also upgraded its roads and aviation infrastructure there。 随着中国在印度边界沿线开始部署导弹和加强军事设施建设,印度也在该区域增加道路和航空基础设施的修建。 关键词:没想到尤网民竟然 It is also in the process of deploying four squadrons of the Su-30 MKI air superiority aircraft along with the raising of two new Mountain Divisions of the Army。 这其中还将在该地区新增两个师的山地部队和在空军编队配备先进的Su-30 MKI战机。 The minister said the review of capabilities of armed forces was an “ongoing and constant” process and the defence preparedness was being reviewed on a regular basis and “if there are any gaps, they will be filled up”。 该国防部长还谈到,对目前“不断发展和持续增长”军事能力的评估是有个重要的过程,并将军事防务作为一项常规和基本的国策来对待,他说到“无论哪里出现漏洞,我们都能及时将它堵上”。 Asked if Indian military modernisation was moving at a slower pace than China’s, Antony said, “We are not modernising our armed forces by keeping in mind any other country’s modernisation。 We are modernising our forces on the basis of a comprehensive review of the emerging security scenario around us。” 当被问及如果印度的军事现代化远远落后于中国呢,Antony回答到“我们并不是单纯的跟随别国的军事发展步伐,而是通过对我们整个国家的军事发展状况做出全面,本质性的评估”。 以下是印度网民的评论: Why to blame china?By: Checkmate | 16-Feb-2011 Reply | Forward Mr。 Antony stop your internal corruptions … and modernize your own defense instead of getting worried of Chinese modernization programs。 Any nation that don’t get modernized with time will face problems like 1962 war…。 so instead of blaming China be prepared for all uncertain problems, in the same way as you politicians are always prepared for the all the uncertain Raids by CBI/IB/DRI/IT so make your military modernized Checkmate的评论标题:为什么要怪罪于中国? Antony先生,你得必须阻止内部腐败和发展你自身的防御力量而不是对中国军事发展进程说三道四。如果任何国家不适时的发展自己的军事力量,那么就会出现1962年那样的战事(中印边境战争是1962年6月至10月至11月间发生在中国和印度的藏南边境的战争。在中国被普遍称为中印边界自卫反击战。)所以请不要对中国那些尚未确定的事实进行抨击,同时也请你像你的那些政客一样通过CBI(商业情报系统),IB(情报系统),DRI(研究与情报管理局)或者信息分析的手段来发展你的军事实力。 关键词:没想到尤网民竟然 |
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