以色列《耶路撒冷邮报》网站2月15日文章,原题:中国在中东的权力博弈 目前,美国仍是世界最大的能源消费国和净进口国,但中国正迅速赶上。与此同时,国际能源市场的发展,特别是美国新技术的出现及大量页岩油气的探明,意味着美国正逐渐走向能源独立,而中国对中东石油依赖日增。今后20年,中国在消费中东石油方面将超过美国。 分析人士称,上述从西向东的转变,促使世界唯一超级大国与世界新兴超级大国在中东地区稳定上形成共同利益。 施拉加·比兰是特拉维夫的律师,也是智库“结构改革研究所”的负责人。比兰认为,全球能源市场版图的转变,创造了历史性战略机遇:“眼下两个超级大国已在石油生产新技术方面进行协作,过去美国巨头向本国供应石油,现在改向中国。从现在起,中东的命运和问题的解决,将系于美国在中东的全新利益及其在能源博弈中的新伙伴——中国。” 资料图:中国在中东石油开采队 比兰认为,美中在中东利益一致,主要源自两国的互相依赖:一方面美国在该地区拥有军事优势,保护对石油运输至关重要的海上运输线;另一方面,中国不仅是美国第二大贸易伙伴,而且还持有超过1.2万亿美债。 几年前,中国若试图获取中亚、非洲和中东的能源,美国的本能反应往往是阻挠。不过,中国经济持续发展关系到美国利益。美国和中国都认识到,全球经济的互相依赖和在确保能源供应方面彼此协作的重要性。 上海交通大学从事政治学研究的张俊华教授认为,中国最终将在中东发挥作用,但眼下不会介入过深。他预计,美中将在中东政策上展开协作。他说:“长期以来,中国在中东地区搭便车,即美国负责驻军,维持地区稳定,但今后美国可能减少驻军。这对中国不是好事,中国将不得不做些什么。” 关键词:以色列专家中国 华盛顿一个中左智库的分析家布拉德利·伯瑟曼称:“今后几十年中国对能源需求暴增,这肯定会促使中国更加积极地介入中东。没有一个国家能对如此依赖的地区无动于衷。”但他提醒说,美中在诸如伊朗、叙利亚等问题上始终存在分歧。“巴以争端若和平解决,将有助地区和平。但在中国拥有经济利益的其他地方,它从未对投入外交能量表现出太多兴趣。”▲(作者伊兰·埃弗雅塔尔,汪析译) 中国石油团体要进军全球:看美国网友的惊人评论 译文简介:中国国有石油公司上半年的盈利为海外扩张铺平了道路,这个国家石油需求逐年上升。 正文翻译: (FT) -- Solid first-half profits at China"s state-owned oil companies have paved the way for further expansion overseas // as the country's oil needs continue to rise. 中国国有石油公司上半年的盈利为海外扩张铺平了道路,这个国家石油需求逐年上升。 Sinopec, the world's second-largest oil refiner, said on Sunday it intended to raise up to Rmb50bn ($7.8bn) throughthe sale of bonds and convertible bonds to fund projects, boost working capital and pay debts. The instruments will be issued or placed with existing shareholders, Sinopec said. 中石化,世界第二大的炼油企业,周日说他将要通过销售债券和可转换债券筹措500亿RMB的资金,用以提高工作资本和偿还债务。正式的文件将由股东讨论实施,中石化说。 The fundraising plan accompanied the company's announcement of a 12 per cent rise in net profit, to Rmb41bn, in the first half of the year, beating analysts' expectations. 筹款计划伴随着这个公司宣称的净利润上升12上半年达到RMB410亿,超过了专家的预期。 Results were rosier still for offshore producer Cnooc, which reported first-half net profit of Rmb39bn, up 51.4 per cent, despite production disruptions from a recent oil spill. 关键词:以色列专家中国 离岸生产商中国海洋石油总公司同样传来好消息,他们报道上半年净利润为390亿RMB,上升了51.4尽管最近发生了漏油事故。 PetroChina, the listed subsidiary of China's largest oil and gas producer CNPC, reported net profit of Rmb66bn for the first half, up 1 per cent from a year earlier, the weakest profit growth among its peers. Profits at both PetroChina and Sinopec were dented by Beijing's price controls on fuel, which capped gasoline and diesel prices this spring even while Brent soared above $120 a barrel. 中国石油,中国最大的石油和天然气制造商中国石油天然气集团公司的子公司,上半年净利润为660亿RMB,比上年增长了1在他的同行中增速最低。中石油和中石化的利润率都被北京的燃料价格控制行为所减少,这个春天当布伦特价格飙到120元一桶时它控制了汽油和柴油价格。 Analysts agreed Chinese oil companies were likely to sustain their interest in overseas acquisitions as they seek to grow their production base. 分析家认为中国的石油公司想要维持海外获得的利润,这些公司都在寻求建立生产基地。 "They are always looking," said Graham Cunningham, analyst at Citi. "Especially if oil prices come down, all three of the Chinese oil companies are going to be in the market for M&A." “他们总在左顾右盼”Graham Cunningham说,他是一名花旗的分析师“尤其当油价下跌的时候,这时你会发现中国的石油公司出现在企业并购市场” China is the world's biggest energy user and second-largest consumer of oil, after the US. 中国是世界上最大的能源使用者和第二大的石油消费者,紧随美国之后。 China's state-owned oil companies have emerged as a major force in global mergers and acquisitions in the past five years, as they carry out their mandate to improve China's energy security by pinning down new supplies of oil. 关键词:以色列专家中国 中国的国有石油公司是过去5年来全球企业并购的主要力量,他们被赋予通过开拓石油获得渠道提高中国能源安全的使命。 评论翻译: 评论: johnny55555 I am amused by all these comments .... China is becoming a big consumer of oil because of it has a big population and big factories. That is why it needs to secure more oil supply. Isn't that what the US is doing before? Not sure why it angers some of the ganhis in the board. 我被这里的评论逗笑了....中国成为最大的石油消费国是因为他有最多的人口和工厂。那就是他为什么需要更多的安全的石油供应的原因。这不是美国过去做过的事吗?我不确定是什么惹恼了这里的人。 555for555 dude.. the Indian army is one of the strongest. Go to Jane review! China is the lousy one, who steals and buy old rubbish from x soviet states 纨绔子弟..印度军队是世界上最强的军队之一。去简氏防务周刊看看!中国是极坏的一个,他们从前苏联偷和买旧垃圾。 pleasegetrea Grenadeforya, No one's afraid of China ? Ask the Yanks during the Korean war. They had the longest retreat in their military history. 回Grenadeforya,没人怕中国?问问朝鲜战争中的Yanks。他进行了军事史上最漫长的撤退。 abuabbn Indian government is so scared of just ONE OLD MAN going on hunger strike!!!n Just imagine, any country can go toIndia and bribe an old man to go on hunger strike and the Indian government will be shaking in their pants. You don't even need to fire a single bullet to defeat India. 印度政府仅仅因一个老家伙绝食罢工就害怕了!!想象一下,任何一个国家都可以去印度买通老头子进行绝食抗议然后印度就举白旗了。你打败印度都不用费一颗子弹。 Grenadeforya Resisted invasion? China was getting WORKED!! Like WORKED WORKED. Vietnam also kicked China's a$$. No one's afraid of China. 抵抗侵略?中国被修饰了,被抹黑了。越南都踢中国的屁股。没人怕中国。 关键词:以色列专家中国 |
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